FEST visits
Isis Maria
Painter, model, influencer and podcaster Isis Maria Niedecken hardly ever sits still. But when she does, she loves to do so on her green sofa with her husband and 3 year old son, while watching a movie on their beamer.
Impulsive or thoughtful shopper
Online or offline shopping
The past, the now or the future
Brand new or vintage mix of both
City or countryside
Minimalist or maximalist
Cats or dogs
Neat freak or clutter queen a healthy balance of both
Ordering in or eating out
Bath or shower
Eclectic or modern
DIY or outsource
Looks or comfort first
Set the mood
'The first thing I do when I get back home, is turn on all the lamps to set the right mood. We have a thousand lamps in every corner, because I don’t like a singlebig lamp, so it takes a while.'
The best
‘My favourite place on earth is the living room. It feels like us as a family: fun, safe and cosy. It’s home. The place I long for when I’m not there.’
So much to do, so little time
‘I would love to get into building furniture. Or get into coding – I’m surprisingly good at maths. But I have too many side projects already. I model, paint, am an influencer, and have a podcast project with two of my mom friends about being a mom. And then there’s Noah, who gives me the balance I need

‘Is the only city besides Berlin I could imagine living in. I’ve only been there for work, but I would love to go there with my husband some day. It’s so pretty, they have great design, beautiful nature and the people are really kind.’
Corona project
‘I’ve always been into painting, but during the pandemic it really became a thing. Like everyone else, I was stuck at home, we just had a baby, I didn’t have any mom friends yet and there was no possibility to meet new people, so I started painting in the living room. It took a while before I had the courage to start showing my work on Instagram. But I saw friends do it with their jewellery projects, which inspired me to put it out there. And it helped that my husband – who’s an illustrator – was very supportive and encouraging about it as well.’

‘I always have our own home in mind when I paint. At first I hang them here for a while, after I’m done seeing them I’m ready to sell them or give them to a friend. There’s only one piece that I’ll always keep: ‘September’ it’s the first painting I was really proud of. To me, it symbolises our mornings: breakfast on our carpet, banana slices, coffee. I sell the prints, but the original will always stay here. It’s too special to me.’
My favourite piece
‘Is our FEST loveseat. Funnily it matches the sofa we already had perfectly and with the stool for the feet it’s a great addition to our living room. Noah loves to jump from the couch to the stool and back. I love the green colour, especially with a three year old. The fabric is really cosy, I like how it feels on the skin and the design is great: the stitching of the corners makes it organic but clean.’
Too soon
‘When we moved here three years ago, we didn’t have enough money to immediately buy the furniture we liked, so we bought some temporary stuff until we could afford the things we really wanted. Which is kind of stupid, because that way we only ended up spending more money.’

‘My husband loves to paint faces on everything. He did that to an Ikea cloud lamp with the Kobus candle holders we have and even with a fly swatter. Now there’s tiny happy faces all over the place. It’s a cute gift idea as well: give some positive emotions.’
Let’s be friends
‘If our home was a person, I would describe its character as kind of loud, but also very relaxed, cohesive and authentic. It’s well balanced. And kind of green. I would definitely want to be friends with it.’
Future project
‘Our home is a never-ending process. I always want to try out new things. Right now I’m very happy with the living room, hallway and play/workroom. The kitchen could use some work still. We took our old kitchen and put it in here, but it’s too small, we need way more counter space.’

If it was up to me
‘The house would be even more colourful. My husband is the one that keeps me from buying all sorts of stuff that I’d probably only love for a week and then get fed up with again. I would love to have a Gustaf Westman table in blue. But my husband is like: let’s think about it first, it doesn’t make sense here, we don’t have the space for it. If he didn’tsay that, I’d probably buy it and we’d have to switch rooms to make it fit, haha.’
Sneak peek
‘I would love to wander through Matisse's home. With his bed between all the paintings, looking for all the tiny, hidden, fun things. It must be great to have a sneak peek in the home of someone that creative.’

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