Not So Dry February Cocktail Guide
Some love the slower pace of January, others think it’s the biggest anticlimax ever. But hey: February is here! And whether you want to continue your non-alcoholic habits or not; we have some homemade cocktail tips. ‘Cause it would be a pity if your Nipper is just sitting around collecting dust.
Ice ice, baby
Tip 1: make sure you have enough ice. Proper ice. What’s that? Hard, clear, dry and fresh ice. Nope, those supermarket cubes won’t cut it. They’ll only give you the watery, yucky stuff, while good ice will make your cocktail less watery and more tasty and cool.
So, proper ice? How do you do that? You could order some, but with some tap water, Tupperware and a bit of patience you’ll be just fine at home. We have a great trick that will create the perfect ice. Learned from (one of) the best: 'barman Victor', the bartender of First Dates (the Dutch version, that is).
Fill the Tupperware with water, put it in the freezer, wait till it’s one big chunk of ice and cut it with a bread knife. Or, if you want crushed ice and need to work out some anger issues: put the ice in a tea towel, think of your ex and smash it to pieces. Saves you a trip to your therapist.

Ginger Lemon Mocktail 🍋
Are you continuing your ‘tone it down’-motto in February? Did you swap Dry Jan for Dry Feb because this month is slightly shorter? Or do you just not like alcohol that much? We got you: this mocktail could easily pass for a healthy breakfast juice. Now, that's a festive start to the day.
▫️ 2 oz lemon juice
▫️ 2 oz soda water
▫️ A shot of ginger
Free arm workout: fill a shaker with ice (don’t skimp), throw in the ingredients, shake it with all you have and pour it in your Nipper.

Espresso martini ☕
If there's one thing we're good at, at the FEST office, it's making – and drinking – Espresso Martinis (or for Gen Zs: “Esmas”). Sweet, full of flavour and with that coffee kick that’ll keep you going for a while.
▫️ 1 oz vodka
▫️ 1 oz Kahlúa
▫️ 1 oz espresso
▫️ 3 coffee beans to garnish
Fill a shaker with ice (again: don’t be stingy), add the ingredients, shake it for 15 seconds (go hard, this will give you that nice foam layer), pour the whole thing over a sieve into your glass and garnish with some coffee beans. Cheers!

Holiday Aperol fizz 🍊
Want to go on a holiday but don’t have time just yet? With our version of the Aperol fizz, you simply invite the Italian summer into this gray winter month.
▫️ 1 1/2 oz gin
▫️ 1 oz Aperol
▫️ 3/4 oz lemon juice
▫️ 1/2 oz maple syrup
▫️ 1 egg white
Fill your shaker with ice, throw in the ingredients, shake shake shake it, pour it in your glass (it looks awesome in our Nippers), take a sip, close your eyes and pretend you’re in Tuscany.
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